Date Region Description Price Seller
AustraliaHome use only, gotta go make me an offer Sweetwater review here: The TC ...$204.93
EUEnvoie rapide et sécurisé ![TC Electronic Nova System](https://rvb-img...$214.11
JapanPlease contact our Shinjuku branch for details! There is a sense of use...$198.94
CanadaThis is a TC Electronic Nova System. It’s in great shape. Works as it sh...$175.00
UKFor sale is a T C Electronic Nova System Multi Effects Unit.I purchased ...$199.60
USATC Nova System in 100% working condition. Latest firmware. Awesome piece...$210.00
EUUSATO. Buone condizioni estetiche e perfettamente funzionante.Borsa incl...$225.59