So after a lot of thought, I finally ordered the ER 101/102 combo. I decided to go with the ER-101 because it can add more complexity and beautify to my sequences then just about any other eurorack sequencer that I know of. Should come in in another 3 weeks or so. I’m super excited but also super nervous about the learning curve.

I was hoping to get some in-site from other ER 101/102 owners on how you work with it? How is the work flow? Any tips or tricks you might have. I’ve already gone ahead and read the Manuel and I know my music theory knowledge with help a lot. But yeah any insite you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)

Hey, did you get it? How are you liking the combo?

Yes I did get it. I’m loving the 101. Haven’t dove into the 102 just yet. BUT I must day, damn it’s fast. Way faster and easier then I could have ever imagined. So I am very much in love with it. But it is very deep and I know I’ve hardly tapped it for its full potential. But if you’re in the market for a sequencer and are looking for more complexity, I would definitely recommend the combo. :)

A sequencer will be a big part of what I want, but after looking at other sequencers, the ER-101 seems the one to fit the build/bill. Are you still using the 101? Have you had time to incorporate the 102?