can't wait for NAMM...

This module image change was a definite downgrade .
"May the Light in All come to Be."

tempi is a great module .. what´s not great is that the holes are so damn off that i cant fit in none of my 5 racks, not even one screw. except one with gliding nuts, and there´s no space nor need for it there. bummer.

oh sorry about that, mine does fit well with two screws, you should email make noise, i read on muff's they were gonna get new panels or something...

uh really? nice one, thx for the tip! gotta look out for that, mine now finally works with one screw...i had to try all spots and then fit all the rest in, according to the tempi :D

Curious if the Tempi would be redundant for someone who already has a QCD/expander - anybody have a demo of Tempi doing a few tricks?