I'm a huge fan of the Soundforce ADSR. I've found an exp adsr is really necessary to get the "pluck" out of my LPGs and VCAs/Filters. Also having control over all stages with attenuation is so great. Plus it has the ability to choose end of cycle gate, has cycling, and s/m/l stage length. It's big but it's worth it.
-- KMAbrams

I picked one of these up recently. It does a better job of removing unwanted “clicks” in the trigger/attack than my Doepfer ADSR by far, and I generally like it better than my Doepfer one. Modular ADSRs still feel really weird to me, though, coming from digital…. they never seem to perform as well or in the way I expect. But I think the Soundforce is likely going to be a keeper. I just wish it was smaller, like you you say.. it’s a lot of HP for what it does.