Hi Toodee,

Oh yes, sorry, I was in a rush when I posted it. I have to do this by heart because I just recently removed this patch from my system, it was rather simple so hopefully with my remarks here you can rebuild that? Let me know!

So the Plaits was set to the third red-selected-sound counting from the top. All of them were set to full right (at about 5 pm) with the exception of the Morph knob that one was set at about 1:30 pm, that was the most difficult setting from this patch by the way, it took me a bit of time and adjustment of that Morph knob to get it perfect.

I didn't modulate much here, the only thing I did was taking a reversed-saw based LFO, set it slowly and used that as input to the 1V/oct on the Plaits. Then I used a very mild delay in-rack module (ACL - Dual Delay) but I think you can skip that if you don't have that and if I remember well, that was it (not 100% sure). Then outside the modular system I added a medium-low till medium tape delay using the Grand Canyon from Electro-Harmonix (no ping-pong for the thunder, for those other sounds at a certain point I activated the ping-pong delay effect) and some medium reverb I added with the Source Audio - Ventris Dual Reverb, using for A the plate reverb and for B the swell reverb (to make the thunder stronger and the thunder effect more emphasised). Most of the knobs were set around 1 pm on that Ventris (time & pre-delay a bit less if I remember well).

I am not 100% sure but I don't think I used a filter for this patch.

That's it I think. Let me know if you are able to reproduce it. Kind regards, Garfield.

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