3 U
Current Draw
? mA +15V
? mA -15V
? mA 5V
$215 Price in €

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Elby Designs ED702-5U Synth-A-Scope W Q142 Pedal Internface

The Elby Designs ED702 is a Oscilloscope and Q142 pedal interface in the 5u DOTCOM format.

The Elby Designs ED702 is a Oscilloscope and Q142 pedal interface in the 5u DOTCOM format.

The ED702D is a single-channel oscilloscope ideal for monitoring signals in your system. This 5U DotCom version adds a Pedal Interface based on the DotCom Q142 providing a mechanism for controlling your synth using a pedal (either switches and/or variable potentiometer). The pedal interface offers a way for foot pedals (actually any switch or potentiometer) to control your synthesizer.

The DataLogger section at the top of the screen displays:

Vpp - Shows the difference between the exteme Maximum and Minimum values
Vavr - The Average reading is the mean vertical level of the entrie captured waveform
Freq - The Frequency is the inverse of the Period and is measured in Hertz

Pressing the [SELECT] button steps the user through the various control settings displayed around the edge of the screen, the currently active setting being highlighted within a blue frame. AT each setting, pressing the [-] and [+] buttons will step through the available options.

Pressing the [HOLD/OK] button will freeze the current display allowing for closer inspection of the input signal.

Pressing the [HOLD/OK] button while in the lower left corner of the screen, the user can toggle the [AUTO SIZE] ([A.S]) function on and off. When enabled, [A.S] will automatically resize the input signal to fill the scope display area. This is useful when you have a signal on the display which doesn't optimally fit in any of the [VOLTS/DIV] settings. The DataLogger still displays the correct data for the input signal.


Width: 4"
Depth: 60mm
Contents: Module, Screws


submitted Dec 5th 2017, 16:16 by prisoner6 | last Change Dec 21st 2021, 22:42 by prisoner6
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