4 HP
Current Draw
Module does not draw current
$37 Price in €

Module is available as a DIY project only.

No info about availability.

Trunk line / multiple



These boards can be used as cascadable multiples, to create trunk lines between different cabinets, or assuming you have something else that uses the same termination, for expansion/breakout. It uses 16 way ribbon, like used in Euro power, every second wire connected to ground to form a shield between the signal wires. You can mount one of these in each cabinet of a large system, and hook them up from behind with the ribbon. If you hook just two in different cabinets together, you have 8 trunk lines between them, reducing the need for long patch cables. If you place one in each of several cabinets, and run a common ribbon between them, then you have an inter-cabinet bus. If you mount them side by side, and use a common ribbon between them, you have a multiple. As a bonus, the board is designed to work with banana jacks as well, so your bus/trunk lines can go between different types of synths (mini jacks and bananas).


submitted Mar 4th 2015, 13:24 by Solid Rate Studios | last Change Oct 20th 2015, 01:13 by mode_analogue

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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?