Using a nldr noodler via midi and a Eric synth pico 3 for out puts.(also have a Roland looper I plan to bring in ).Most of what I do is happy accidents and really enjoying it planing on getting a peak clone soon. Huge fan of work by aphex twin broadcast boards of Canada uzig prefuse odd nosdam Marc rebiller surgeon.Following dreams just to plonk away.

ModularGrid Rack

Hi @bernardhumperdink. I am a big fan of all the artists you mentioned. In fact, I saw Broadcast with Prefuse 73 live in the early 2000s. Great show.
You might enjoy the Erica Sample Drum for some glitchy happy accidents.
Have fun and good luck.

Yeah modules I’ve been eyeing so far are Erica sample drum mallekko varigate 8+ In a few years I hope to get Industrial music pistol Honda hertz donuts and a lep loop v2 and instruo arbhar and a wave folding module and after audio bog and Alan Turing