We going to listen to just the Final output of the DPO. The final output of the DPO takes the second oscillator and feeds it through what is known as a waveshaper. Our closest relation to waveshaping outside of the modular environment would be distortion/overdrive/fuzz. A waveshaper does exactly what it sounds like it does: it reshapes the wave from a simple waveform into a more complex shape.

On the DPO we have three controls over our wave shape:
1. FOLD: the number of folds the wave makes back onto itself. We percieve this as volume + distortion.
2. SHAPE: the shape the new waveform becomes. There are three little images next to the shape knob that show you what the incoming sine wave gets morphed into.
3. ANGLE: the angle the new waveform is slanted at.

Maths is configured as two LFOs in this patch. Ch. 1 is controlling the shape of the final output and Ch. 2 is controlling the angle of the final output.

DPO Final output (fast forward to 0:38):

Waveshaping explained: