Appealing and simple patch! If you like the nocturne genre, try those by Faure. The later ones get extremely bizarre and they are absolutely sublime.

Pittsburgh, PA
“Have a good trip!” — Karlheinz Stockhausen

I agree with Lugia— I have a MB 2 and a MB 2S and the 3U rack can feel very limiting. (Currently working with one 6u and one 3u rack now.) Perhaps you might want to try a smaller module like Expert Sleepers Disting which would add a lot of functionality. Also echoing the thoughts regarding filter — adding Polaris to my rack made a lot of new sounds possible. Finally, you may find the clock limiting on the 2S. A small clock divider/multiplier is really handy. 4ms makes a quad clock distributor that would allow you to trigger events at different rates. Good luck!

Pittsburgh, PA
“Have a good trip!” — Karlheinz Stockhausen