Either way, welcome to the forum/conversation. I think we're all so used to people sharing their racks here for the sole purpose of starting a conversation and getting guidance.
Branches might be neat for adding some random variation to your triggers, and something like the Klavis Mixwitch might be worth a look if you do decide to invest in a switch. The Mixwitch does a few different things in a small footprint. I've been amazed with the sounds I get out of QPAS if you decide to add another filter. I may have overlooked it, but something like a Doepfer A119 envelope follower might be useful if you are incorporating external drum machines... Just one of those utilities I didn't think I would use as much as I do.
Have fun and good luck.
-- farkas

Hey Farkas thanks for the warm welcome! Yeah I totally overlooked what people are using the forum for or that a forum existed for that matter lol. I do want some variation with my triggers and will look into branches. Regarding the Qpas, I decided to go with the SSF stereo dipole. It’s an amazing filer that has similar idea but fucjing dirty! I was hesitant to purchase based off descriptions and videos. Made it seem like qpas was the filthy grimy quad filter and stereo dipole the more tame. So glad I had the chance to play with the dipole in person!!. Regarding the Doepfer envelope follower... that has always been on my list and it’s cheap and useful.

Jim... I get it now with the utility modules. All I had to do was finally rack my Mordax. Ha. Yeah I need to stop only thinking about audio routing and have some good cv routing and mixing tools. I’m slowly learning but I’m stoked since day one I’ve been happy with what I can get out of my system. Big question is, do I need to buy any patch cables to get any noise out of this “expensive waste of a rack”? I can’t seem to get any sound out of it by just racking and looking at them, trying to match black and silver and so worried about HP and the cool new version of clouds 😂. Thanks guys. Guess I have a new forum to mess around on.

Ryan wilson

Yeah guys I totally didn’t realize I was “displaying” my rack and I was only using the grid for myself. So I don’t really feel like I needed to give anyone “context”. But if someone is offering to help eventhough I didn’t ask for it I’ll still take it! 😎. Regarding creating an “instrument” that works for me....I’ve never really looked at my eurorack as a singular musical instrument. I look at my synths with keys like that but not my rack. I like euro bc you can do so much in a smaller space. I admit I was very very rookie when I bought most of these modules. I had traded a vintage analog synth for store credit and just started going for modules that I felt suit my needs and I think I did a pretty good job. I won’t lose much money if I need to sell something and get something else. Utilities were an afterthought and wanted to get comfy with euro before blindly buying them. My goal is to have some sort of a hybrid setup... half analog half digital modules with an emphasis on sampling- btw I run bitbox firmware on the synthbox for that. I was not going for a bleep bloop ambient rig or trying to make techno with a bunch of confusing logic. To me it’s a pretty cool workflow. I have plenty of cool sound sources that can be modulated then sampled, and also mangling audio samples from elsewhere. It’s like a big feedback loop, everything gets sampled then I can put those back through the rig or whatnot- morphogene cool for this. Experimental bass music is what i mess around with. Sometimes it turns into electro sometimes hip hop, whatever. Anyways UTILITIES- Jim you are right those are all very useful in any system. So wavefolder/shaper- I have the DPO with wavefolding, graphic vco I can “morph”, and Ofcourse the disting- guess you are saying a stand-alone wavefolding module for everything else? I don’t feel a need for a matrix mixer right now but can see it’s uses. I just Havnt felt the need to use logic/sequential switches at this point. I am fine so far creating movement with my sequencer and modulation. Attenuators for sure and I almost picked up a Levit8 8 channel one that had offset - what else do you recommend for this duty? Basic mixers- I started with that Doepfer mini stereo mixer but will prolly add a mixup or another Doepfer mixer. That SSF Vortices has a lot of I/O for mixing! Attenuverturs I have on a few modules. The 6 VCAs I have right now I Havnt grown out of but can always add more. But yeah I do feel like I can use more modulation sources. Maths, stages, voltage block, disting can be used but I want more. Any recommendations? And more tiggers maybe? I have Pam and beatstep pro. But yeah I have 44hp left in this rack and am focused on the small utility type modules now but am always a sucker for filters or analog vcos! Thanks for the advise!

Ryan wilson

Guys, these are just modules I own. It’s not the order I have them racked. It is a mess on here. But very functional for me in real life. Yes I’m onto my utilities now. You gotta keep in mind some of these digital modules and the bigger ones have more than one function. When you end up having 6 Doepfer modules that one or two bigger modules can do what’s the point? I hate small or crappy pots on the new small modules also. And the whole idea of getting rid of modules just bc they are discontinued is super whack. All while peeps be still using and buying shitty clones Of Braids. Lol. I bought a lot of my modules used at a great discount. I’m stoked I have the OG Maths with lightning bolts. You wish you had it. Ha. And maths is a great utility that would take several Doepfer or smaller modules. Disting is a great utility module too. I love having one older dixie and one newer. Having that coarse knob on the older one is dope. Lugia you sound like an asshat and you are not helpful but Jim, what are you recommending for utilities? I know I could use some more mixing around the system CV wise and open to suggestions on other utility modules. Those behringer system 100m modules are well built end have lfos on like every module and lots of utilities. Buffered mult would be nice. Anyways thanks in advance.

Ryan wilson