Just a thought I had. Even if it didn't work in a synth voice, it could make for an interesting tremolo I guess.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Correct me if I'm wrong, could you take an ALM S.B.G. with it's expression output, and then connect that to a boost pedal with expression in, say, the Supro boost, and create a VCA by sending an envelope through the S.B.G. into the pedal?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

I wonder how well the Zoia euroburo would play with that master AE module. Doesn't the Zoia have midi control modules on board along with midi in and out? Take a sequencer from a euro module and route it to the Master module with the Zoia, letting the Zoia handle notes and octaves?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

I had forgotten the I/O automatically handled voltage levels. Guess I just wigged out a bit there. Shoulda known that

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

I guess it also warrants asking, am I barking up the wrong tree? I really like fat, dark, warm synthwave tones like Lazerhawk, Malo, Power Glove, Carpenter Brut, Magic Sword, etc, etc. It seems like, at least on Youtube, the majority of patches I see are things like house, trap, techno, ambient, experimental. Not very many synthwave patches. Anybody have any experience with making Synthwave on a modular? I'd think an AE with an Arturia would be as good of a place to start as any, but I'm hesitant. Should I start with my idea for an AE and a Keystep? or perhaps go for an all in one Korg or Behringer? I just hate the thought of losing the ability to shape my sound with a guitar pedal or an effect in the middle of the patch, just not at the output. EDIT. Isn't crippling self doubt just the greatest? At lease I ain't suffering from Dunning Kruger!

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

With a bit of extra income coming in from multiple sources, I'm really considering taking the dive, but i have some concerns. I'm thinking about getting basically the AE modular starter rack 1, rehoused in their 16u eurorack adapter, with a few changes and putting that in a Tiptop Audio Mantis for future expansion, along with an Arturia Keystep. I understand that the AE system is limited to 0-5 volts on CV, is it also limited to 0-5 volts in it's audio signal? I don't want to plug in my guitar or, say, a line of One sample players and blow up my AE system. If it is limited to 0-5 for Audio, what would I do to step down levels simply? Would I use a VCA? Is an audio signal's voltage the same as it's amplitude? like instrument level vs line level vs modular level?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Thread: AE Modular?

Huh, makes sense. I didn't think that it'd automatically adjust levels.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Thread: AE Modular?

Yea, I was just thinking the USB module could be used to power the pedals that would then interface with a different module. How would one drop levels down or raise them up with the 4I/O? I'm not seeing any knobs to adjust levels like on some of the eurorack pedal interfaces.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Thread: AE Modular?

Funnily enough, it looks like some of Buchla's Red Panel euro modules would play rather nicely with AE. I don't know about AE and actual Buchla format though. I wonder how well AE would play with pedals. I saw an AE module with USB power sockets. I think they make USB to 9volt center negative cords. EDIT, they as in somebody somewhere, not AE

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Thread: AE Modular?

I acknowledge the AE is cheaper, I will likely start with it and Eurorack. I was just having a bit of fun imagining a frankenrack with Buchla, Euro, and AE all working together with adapters. Hell, throw in an Expert Sleepers ES-8 and incorporate VCV rack. Isn't Buchla supposed to be really expensive?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Thread: AE Modular?

Looking around at that AE stuff, I'm wondering if I ought to make my first rack an AE/Eurorack hybrid. Maybe a Tiptop Mantis with an AE adapter or two? Also, I feel like it'd be ridiculously awesome to throw a Buchla into the mix, just for shits and giggles. Three formats working together. Wish I had money.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Thread: Drawbars?

Hadn't realized Analog Outfitters did a midi controller. That thing looks gorgeous. I reckon I'll have to keep that and the doepfer in mind.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Thread: Drawbars?

Has anybody done anything with Hammond organ style drawbars? I'm not actually looking for an organ sound, I was just thinking drawbars in a module or integrated into a case would make for an interesting cv/gate source. Hell, maybe a volume fader or a filter controlled by drawbars for something Hammond organ like? Slightly off topic, does anybody know of any cases with effects built in?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Probably not the place to ask this, but I'm too lazy to search through gearslutz and see if anybody else has asked. Are there any methods of digital recording or processing that introduced colouration to tracks, like what happens with transformers, tubes, tape, etc? Was just wondering. edit to clarify, would there be anything apart from sample rate reduction? Any early digital gear from the 80s/90s that somehow introduced coloration? Or would sample rate reduction really be the only thing? EDIT 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO I really can't get this right. Coloration from the early digital gear probably would have been from a low sample rate. I'd like to pretend I know what I'm talking about. Would anything else in the gear have done anything? An imperfect digital to audio converter?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Hey, thank you! I made a couple of modifications, though I'm still researching a few things. A question about the new rack. Isn't a wah pedal just moving a band pass filter up and down? So if i'm not mistaken, an expression pedal into that synthrotek expressor controlling the Elta polivoks filter would make a wah pedal? I heard the Polivoks had a nice, gritty, dark filter. I also like the thought of a low pass filter closing down at the end of an entire song to fade out. I think a good example would be the end of Vengeance, by Power Glove. Correct me if i'm wrong but that sounds like a filter closing down on an entire mix. Going to keep on practicing and start saving up some money.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

I feel like I have to add OGRE effects. Less for the modules and more for the aesthetics. A case that's book-ended by two screamin' demon heads would be metal AF!

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

I guess I should mention, I'm rather fond of the idea of making synthwave, though I'm not opposed to ambient or some chip tune or 90s point and click adventure inspired music. I was thinking, for me, modular would make for a nice accompaniment to a guitar, a microbrute 2, and a drum machine, not as a main instrument.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Currently learning the guitar, and I hope to keep that going for a year or so before I get into modular. Does this seem like a reasonable beginning? Any suggestions? (It is a damned shame those cat panels aren't real.)

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

The Elta Music Console in module format? Could have CV control over the selected program, the Z parameter, or the blend. Yes, I acknowledge they've made modules before. I think Boss would be fair to say seeing as Roland has made modules in the past. I was also thinking Fulltone, but that was more because I was daydreaming about a SS Tape Echo or a Tube Tape Echo with a trigger from a sequencer running into the echo cancel instead of using their echo cancel footswitch. I don't think Fulltone is too much into some of the more experimental things.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Have I made an ass of myself? I feel like that's what I've done. Sorry.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Eh. Fair enough. I don't know what I was thinking not adding any boutique makers. I was thinking the Pinwheel from Fender could be neat with CV over all the controls. Maybe a Tube Screamer? I bet Analog Outfitters could do something interesting! Shame they're on a bit of a hiatus. Maybe a vocoder or a ring mod with a tone wheel producing the carrier signal?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Who do you think could make an interesting module who hasn't? I reckon Fender, Ibanez, EHX, maybe Hotone. Dunlop?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Thank you. Exactly what I was looking for.

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

Does anybody make a module that could, with a trigger, swap a left and right channel? I rather like the idea of integrating a mono guitar pedal, and having the effect hard pan from left to right and vice versa on a drum beat in both ears

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.