Do have it. It does very well if you need AD envelopes, and you can also individually gate each one. The inverters are always useful. I personally have it downstream from a clock (Hermod) that then goes into a sequencer (Popcorn) and I use two slopes for voices and the other two to modulate things at half the speed with the built in clock divider. You can also break the normalling of the LFO as the clock and manually step through the divisions as a per-step set of rising and falling LFOs like a Stages.

Squid Salmple might be the most thought out real-time sampler in Euro that's out there. The flexibility keep me loving it. It has a 11.5-12 sec record buffer size, but these can be loaded in banks of 8 sounds. In theory, you can set the channels up to chain-record, chain reference, etc. It's really wild.

I'd get a sequential switch to send Math's and Pam's modulation through so that you can quickly wreck and change the routing of your pitch/control/modulation around the case very quickly. It encourages spontaneous finding of results and not keeping static while you explore your system sometimes. Depending on the one you get, you also get a new pitch or rhythm sequencer source to build a patch around.

NI makes an incredible one. ALM also has the Boss Bow Two, highly recommend. For smaller footprints, PUSH by ST Modular is a 5 step sequential switch in 4HP! I personally have the Bizmuth chaotic signal router which is a little more esoteric. Guarantee adding a piece like this will give you results!