The Dave Jones here should actually be an Optomix whose strike inputs are being hit from the envelopes from Just Friends.

Braids is in CSAW mode being driven by the White Whale sequencer playing one of the built-in major CV scale sequences, currently saved as pattern 1 on the CV B output. Maths is the control center in the patch and is self-patched to alter rise times/envelope lengths to, primarily, the FM and Gain on Ripples, as well as feedback in the delay and some self-patching.

Particular points of fun on this patch are messing with the VCAs (both veils and optomix), playing with the Log->Exp knobs on Maths especially right near the "Linear" boundry, and messing with Delay settings on the DLD. One thing I haven't done yet but should is play with subphrases on the White Whale and possibly drunken walk pattern navigation.