I haven't bought anything yet – just planning & costing it out. The verbos is the module that made me decide to get into modular as I love its sound.

I have an octatrack that I plan on using to sample the modular's weird sounds and sequence them into musical ideas, so this modular doesn't need to have much standalone rhythmic potential at this stage. Also won't be using it live.

My main priorities for this rack are nice deep interesting evolving textural sounds, and some basic bleep bloop sequences.

I've tried to keep costs down for some functions to compensate for the verbos, malekko sequencer and potentially a more expensive delay (three most important parts to the sound I think). The case will most likely be a doepfer LC6 PSU3.

Does this make sense? Are there any redundant modules here? Any utilities etc that I've neglected? Any module recommendations that would better serve my needs? How important is having a dedicated clock?

Thanks very much for helping out