Dream up some stormy weather with this unit. Very compact, don't let the small size fool you. Make it rain. :)

Looks sick, would love to hear some jams ⛈️⛈️⛈️

Looks sick, would love to hear some jams ⛈️⛈️⛈️
-- troux

sick in a bad way due to synthrotek...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi Antonivs,

Yet another little-box-puzzle, looks great! :-) How is your experience with the Erica Synths - Fusion Delay, worth the investment? Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Looks sick, would love to hear some jams ⛈️⛈️⛈️
-- troux

Coming up soon, thanks :)

Looks sick, would love to hear some jams ⛈️⛈️⛈️
-- troux

sick in a bad way due to synthrotek...

-- JimHowell1970

That Synthrotek Sequence 8 is pretty flexible for a lil sequencer. I tried several small ones, this one was ultimately the best for the job. ;)

Hi Antonivs,

Yet another little-box-puzzle, looks great! :-) How is your experience with the Erica Synths - Fusion Delay, worth the investment? Kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

Erica Synths modules are incredible. They give you so much for the money. They are also well built. Whenever you buy an Erica Synth module they go deeper than most for the price. Jean Michel Jarre himself approves of them. The fusion delay took me a while to figure what to do with it. It sat in a box for months. I had tried different combinations but finally it made its way into this one and it worked beautifully. This allows for the unit to sound vintage like Tangerine Dream and yet modern when you feel like it. Crossed with the DSP2 and you can get some incredibly beautiful stereo sounds.

Looks sick, would love to hear some jams ⛈️⛈️⛈️
-- troux

sick in a bad way due to synthrotek...

-- JimHowell1970

That Synthrotek Sequence 8 is pretty flexible for a lil sequencer. I tried several small ones, this one was ultimately the best for the job. ;)


no dude... the company... Steve the owner is a douchebag.... (on line rape jokes, racism etc) don't give him money

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

About Synthrotek, my take:
A bunch of internet keyboard warriors, who probably have never seen 'South Park', freaked out that he posted a picture of Harvey Weinstein and made a bad joke they probably didn't understand. Then attacked him and were surprised that a person like him would react in the way he did. . . It takes more than that to offend me. He did not rape or kill anyone, so I don't care.

Since they all most likely wear and buy things that are made by slave and child labor, which should be common knowledge by now; and the destruction that mining rare minerals for electronics cause. . . Its most likely people annoyed by Synthrotek just disagree with his different political view. I am the complete opposite of a bigot. Most people if their circumstances were slightly different could easily have been the opposite, what they disagree with, of what they are now. The left and right, most people, essentially function on the same logic. I cannot wait till humans evolve past politics.

(I did not see any racism. . .)

there are other "incidents" if i remember correctly...
and I try not to buy things made by child or slave labour

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I like this forum a lot, and I am learning about "euro-rack modules". It is so awesome!
But, what is all this thing about politics statements on an electronic modules platform.
Everybody can think and express whatever they want, if it doesn't affect the products they make, who care?, if the quality is involved, of course, it is related to this forum; everything else is out the place.
If people IRL commit "real" crimes, let the law do its things; please, don't let the keyboard's double-moralistic warriors invade this place. Everything has its right place, and I am not here to read about the fashion politics tendencies.
I don't think this nice and beautiful place was made for that illness to spread around.
Thank you.

some people don't care if they buy stuff from douchebags, but some people do and unless they know who the douchebags are, they can't make informed decisions, can they?

part of learning about eurorack modules is being aware of which manufacturers have questionable politics, ethics and/or have poor customer service etc etc... don't ya think???

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I like this forum a lot, and I am learning about "euro-rack modules". It is so awesome!
But, what is all this thing about politics statements on an electronic modules platform.
Everybody can think and express whatever they want, if it doesn't affect the products they make, who care?, if the quality is involved, of course, it is related to this forum; everything else is out the place.
If people IRL commit "real" crimes, let the law do its things; please, don't let the keyboard's double-moralistic warriors invade this place. Everything has its right place, and I am not here to read about the fashion politics tendencies.
I don't think this nice and beautiful place was made for that illness to spread around.
Thank you.
-- Hikove

That's like... your opinion, man. Just like Jim's statements or mine, it's all opinions, which I thought was what forums were about. If some opinions annoy you deeply, I would advise to simply disregard them, just like I disregard opinions of people about modules when they admittedly never read the manual and don't understand 70% of what the circuits do.
Here's some perspective: I do care - deeply. In fact, I am convinced that to fight for the world each of us wants to live in, the weapon we have is our wallet, believing that the law alone will solve all issues is way too naïve, there are many examples of people making a difference by changing their purchase habits collectively. Yet, to make informed decisions we need information, so people in communities talking about what they see as issues - regardless of whether I agree or not about it being an issue.
By the way, calling social justice "fashion politics tendencies" is very much a political view in itself...

About Synthrotek, my take:
A bunch of internet keyboard warriors, who probably have never seen 'South Park', freaked out that he posted a picture of Harvey Weinstein and made a bad joke they probably didn't understand. Then attacked him and were surprised that a person like him would react in the way he did. . . It takes more than that to offend me. He did not rape or kill anyone, so I don't care.

Since they all most likely wear and buy things that are made by slave and child labor, which should be common knowledge by now; and the destruction that mining rare minerals for electronics cause. . . Its most likely people annoyed by Synthrotek just disagree with his different political view. I am the complete opposite of a bigot. Most people if their circumstances were slightly different could easily have been the opposite, what they disagree with, of what they are now. The left and right, most people, essentially function on the same logic. I cannot wait till humans evolve past politics.

-- vansting

Again, a lot of shortcuts here, saying that people are annoyed by Synthrotek solely because of Steve's political views is intellectually lazy. So is saying that people offended by his posts simply "did not understand" - that's assuming that he was right and that there is not other view possible of the situation. I have NO IDEA what his political views are (and I don't care), in fact I'm not really offended by his bad jokes, but I would defend the right for other people to talk about it here. After all, it was his choice to make those jokes and subsequent aggressive defense on his business page, not his personal page...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

@toodee +1000000000

this is how WE change the world... hopefully!! or at least make ourselves feel a little bit better...

remember - Woody Guthrie's guitar "This Machine Kills Fascists"

& I've seen that slogan (or very similar) stuck to many, many modular synthesizers over the years

Please don't let this site become like modwiggler, where in trying to be 'politically correct' they've changed their name, from a double-entendre (a harmless pun), and remove all mention of the b-company's poor ethics from module discussion into a separate thread... where newbies looking for inexpensive ways into modular don't get directed - they just get hammered by the marketing might of the b-company - when there are plenty of other options, which support small businesses with (near-) zero marketing budgets!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

this is how WE change the world... hopefully!! or at least make ourselves feel a little bit better...
-- JimHowell1970

Hahaha, I'm not sure I have such high hopes, my dude :-D For me it's only about raising awareness, no need to overdo it or insist on people changing their minds, I try to share what I consider is right (and whenever possible, positive), and hope to inspire others to do the same - which might end up disagreeing with me and that is fine. I do think however that an overly PC attitude wouldn't be positively contributing to any debate, because it essentially tries to remove the debate from discussion, whereas debate is for me an essential part of a good and sane society. What do people do when they can't discuss what they disagree on ?

remember - Woody Guthrie's guitar "This Machine Kills Fascists"

& I've seen that slogan (or very similar) stuck to many, many modular synthesizers over the years

-- JimHowell1970

Yeah, I've seen it too - tbh, I don't think anyone should kill anyone because of their ideas but I have to admit I have very belligerent feeling for people with a severe lack of ideas, sometimes, so I guess I can't be throwing stones, right ? :)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

this is how WE change the world... hopefully!! or at least make ourselves feel a little bit better...
-- JimHowell1970

Hahaha, I'm not sure I have such high hopes, my dude :-D For me it's only about raising awareness, no need to overdo it or insist on people changing their minds, I try to share what I consider is right (and whenever possible, positive), and hope to inspire others to do the same - which might end up disagreeing with me and that is fine. I do think however that an overly PC attitude wouldn't be positively contributing to any debate, because it essentially tries to remove the debate from discussion, whereas debate is for me an essential part of a good and sane society. What do people do when they can't discuss what they disagree on ?

exactly one small step at a time - and we can only hope that things move in the right direction

remember - Woody Guthrie's guitar "This Machine Kills Fascists"

& I've seen that slogan (or very similar) stuck to many, many modular synthesizers over the years

-- JimHowell1970

Yeah, I've seen it too - tbh, I don't think anyone should kill anyone because of their ideas but I have to admit I have very belligerent feeling for people with a severe lack of ideas, sometimes, so I guess I can't be throwing stones, right ? :)

-- toodee

well that's 99%* of the time why people do get killed... I doubt a guitar or a synthesizer ever killed anyone - unless it was dropped on them from a great height!!

*don't believe all statistics you read on the internet...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

What do people do when they can't discuss what they disagree on ?

-- toodee

Play modular synths? ;-)

Just kidding, I agree here with you Diego! More positive attitude, with or without discussions, is always welcome :-) I also agree with another earlier post from Jim (-Howell1970) that some people extremely overreact, that not only kills the discussion but also the good mood, that (the good mood) in my opinion should be kept in a forum like this. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

remember - Woody Guthrie's guitar "This Machine Kills Fascists"

& I've seen that slogan (or very similar) stuck to many, many modular synthesizers over the years
-- JimHowell1970

I note that I've been tempted to put "This Machine Confuses Fascists" on the back of the Digisound 80 for live gigs as of late.

remember - Woody Guthrie's guitar "This Machine Kills Fascists"

& I've seen that slogan (or very similar) stuck to many, many modular synthesizers over the years
-- JimHowell1970

I note that I've been tempted to put "This Machine Confuses Fascists" on the back of the Digisound 80 for live gigs as of late.

-- Lugia

I think my statement of choice would be something like "This Machine Confuses The Hell Out Of Everyone I Know, Myself Included - Always RTFM Or We Are Doomed" but that's too long for a 2HP blank and I don't do live gigs so writing anything on the back of my rack will only address my walls (who I am very sad to report are not very talkative or appreciative of my musical efforts they witness on a regular basis).

@Lugia About that Digisound 80, did you build the whole thing ? From EMM articles ? I've only heard rumors and short videos, but I hear the filter on it is extra creamy...

@GarfieldModular I don't think I'll ever invite a stranger I disagree with on the Internet to play with my modular synth lol - but more seriously you are the example I'm trying to follow, this forums owes you quite a bit of its positivity so thanks ;-)

--- Voltage control all the things ---

one of mine used to have - "this half-assed excuse for a case contains electronics designed to destroy elitist control mechanisms" written on it in sharpie! it was a piece of skirting board sawn into 4 and held together by modules and blind panels (hence the half-assed) - the wood has been recycled into one of my current cases, cut down to size and the text on the inside... now only 3/4-assed as it has proper rails and a back, but is still pretty much unfinished skirting board at heart!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

@Lugia About that Digisound 80, did you build the whole thing ? From EMM articles ? I've only heard rumors and short videos, but I hear the filter on it is extra creamy...

-- toodee

No, I actually don't know who did the module builds...but I DO know that the cab, power system, and touch-ups on the modules were done by no less than the late, great Kevin Lightner, the Synthfool himself.

The Digisound here has a few different filters...it has a pair of state-variables, a pair of LPFs, a Moog ladder LPF clone, and the Dual Resonant Filter, which is something like the usual resonator-type filter albeit with some extra tricks to make the module do more than one would suspect. And everything there except the ladder LPF is actually CEM chip based...along with most everything else in it. So not only is it pretty well-equipped, it's very reliable in terms of programming...you can be assured that your twiddling-around will have the same result over and over again.

And actually, some of the Digisound modules have been reworked for Eurorack. Check out both Wavefonix and Pharmasonic for two interesting takes on the old Digisound 80 modules.

I am really sorry for making statements out of lack of knowledge if it is the case. But, I have to make things clear, there is people like me, who doesn't care who makes the product. if kids are dying in the making process I don't care. They are no my children, and most likely I won't care either way.

As we can express everything on this forum because is free to do it, I will.

If the quality of the products or the customer service is questionable is important to me, that is the things I want to know and I appreciate it a lot. That is why I like this forum. I agree with it; but if the owner or some employee of certain companies are rapist or killers in their personal live, I don't care. I am not a hypocrite, I don't feel for them, so I won't simulate it.

BUT, I got the point!!!! I was trying to make my idea most important than the other opinions, and it was my mistake, I am sorry for it, and it won't happen again. All of you are right in their own way.

If I don't want to read about stupid human hypocrite topics on SNES, I just must get away for it and not try to do anything that will means losing my time.

I appreciate all of your info regarding hardware and modular rack, but I don't use any SNES to keep away for the illness spreading the human kind. Someone said awareness? BS, you don't even know what awareness means. Just another fish of the ocean.

So, by all means, I just want to say "Thank you" to all you for your help on hardware relating the modular business.

I am really sorry for making statements out of lack of knowledge if it is the case. But, I have to make things clear, there is people like me, who doesn't care who makes the product. if kids are dying in the making process I don't care. They are no my children, and most likely I won't care either way.

Unfortunately, yes, there are many more people like you who have so little self-respect that they don't care who they give their hard earned cash to

If the quality of the products or the customer service is questionable is important to me, that is the things I want to know and I appreciate it a lot. That is why I like this forum. I agree with it; but if the owner or some employee of certain companies are rapist or killers in their personal live, I don't care. I am not a hypocrite, I don't feel for them, so I won't simulate it.
-- Hikove

I'd also note that in general the quality of products and customer service from these companies is also poor - not going to cite anything - googling will find examples in minutes

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I grew up studying violin in the Suzuki method. At some point there was a quote framed in our house from Dr. Suzuki: “If a musician wants to become a fine artist, he must first become a finer person.” Maybe that’s true, maybe it’s not, but I’d like to think there’s something to it.

At the end of the day, if music isn’t about a shared experience of beauty or love, what good is it?

This thread above makes me sad… well parts of it at least. I wanted to pour some sugar on y’all. Thanks to all the people on MG who’ve helped me.

The original rack above looks pretty badass. I hope something great comes out of it.

@nickgreenberg I agree +1000

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

The day when oil prices will be discussed here, it will be necessary to think about changing the name of the site...
@ANTONIVS nice rack, even if the weather gets a little bad ;)

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).