94 mm wide
120 mm high
Current Draw
? mA / ? V AC/DC
$166 Price in €

This Pedal is currently available.

Electronic Orange - Dalek Attack!

Electronic Orange - Maestro FZ-1S Fuzz Clone

Dalek Attack! is a clone of the rare fuzzbox by Maestro marked FZ-1S (or sometimes Maestro Superfuzz). It is a typical gnarly, hairy, spitting 60's fuzz tone. The FZ-1S circuit design is truly original and the visual design is just lovely. It provides the above described radical fuzz tone as well as an option to mix the wet sound and the buffered clean signal together. If you turn the Mix button all the way down, the pedal works just like a buffer, no fuzz. The disadvantage of this circuit design is shorter sustain and just zero dynamics.

However there is something magical to the sound - unlike the Fuzz Face, FZ-1S has the sparkle in the attack as you hit the string, followed by honey like creamy tone. That applies just for the Fuzz 1 tone option. Fuzz 2 provides really raspy, thin and radical sound.
The sustain can be greatly helped by hand-picking the particular parts, and that is what we do for Dalek Attack! reincarnation of FZ-1S. Also the output volume of the original unit that was very low, has been improved, so the Dalek Attack! sings much louder than FZ-1S.

When you turn the knob "Mix" all the way down, you can use this pedal as a clean booster . Fuzz sound is then completely eliminated - not just turned down - and the pedal has still enough volume to work like a clean boost.


submitted Jul 14th 2017, 04:37 by Sumyupee | last Change Jul 15th 2017, 03:51 by Sumyupee
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