Several years ago, there was a competing modular site that not only showed modules available, it also had a section for CASES.

Now, yeah, I get would be rather difficult to be able to insert tons of cases into the MG database and then have users building in them, calling a usable case pattern up for their build. That just sounds like a coding headache.

BUT...while MG is now the de facto "catalog" for the major synth formats, we have no listings for cases, which strikes me as a sizable hole in the completeness. At present, the only real method that exists to shop for cases is to prowl around various commerce sites, forums, etc etc etc. But would it be possible to at least "gallery" cases on here with their specs so that the MG 'one-stop' method can even apply there, making things LITERALLY 'one-stop'? I realize that that's even more spinning plates to deal with, true, but it would make it so much simpler to be able to decide ALL of your possible build actions right here without leaving the site.

Also, I don't think it would be necessary to have custom cases in this situation. Instead, concentrating this purely on the commercially-available case lines out there makes more sense, as DIYers are apt to simply build what they want for whatever spaces and circumstances exist in their situations. This is really more for the beginning synthesists, so that they can get a clearer idea as to space, ergonomics, power capabilities, portability, etc etc.

Doable? Ish?