Hi to all !
I like to get a few opinions from the experts here.
I mainly focusing on experimental drone/ambient-like/random/generative stuff, sometimes with fieldrecordings and different sample material. I really like what AnnAnnie does and the wierd experimental stuff from Gazonbalon.
My main engine in the rack clearly is Marbles, with multed out triggers to the A-160-2 clock divider which than spread over.
Peaks is mostly in drum mode and the Sample Drum is used for fieldrecording samples and pad/drone/melodic stuff.
I have an SQ-1 and an QuNexus on duty, too. I am surely only at the beginning and need to find my own way and workflow and have a lot to learn. But it is only a hobby for me and i wouldn't call me a musician, just an musically interested nerd ;)
I would really appreciate some suggestions and tips to my rack, especially redundant/overlapping modules, missing things and essential things to change. But please don't tell me to expand my rack ;)
ModularGrid Rack