Hey grieve, thanks for your input, it's very valuable for me to know what users want to see.
It's always hard to decide which features should be realized. I have to be very careful to not "feature creep" the ModularGrid, because every additional function makes the user interface more complicated and introduces potential new bugs.

I like the wishlist and grouping function idea.
Grouping would be cool, but it's harder to develop. I will put both to the to do feature list.

...Personally I signed up for a "Unicorn" account just to support the work the basic functionality requires.... and not so much for the additional features. I think a few more features like this and my other suggestion above would make the unicorn account a greater value from a practical stand point to those on the fence.
-- grieve

Thanks a lot for your contribution! If you are already visiting this site for a while you will recognize that a lot of the functions where done on user requests. I can not promise to implement everything instantly but I am constantly working on the site to make it better in progress.

Best Knut

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net