Got rid of Pam, as the outboard gear I have can seq absolute trigs/CV and the Pachenko/Marbles will add a lot of happy "accidents". Because of that I also removed the 0ch LFOs and the Instru logic, I kind of wanted the logic but it was quite expensive and the Disting has one, albeit not as good.
-- pechnatunk

It is worth considering keeping a Pam's Pro Workout in the system. It's incredibly useful for so many things, and often saves me having to buy new modules for certain jobs as I realize that Pam's has it covered. As I write this, it's being used to keep the whole system in time, as well as modulating various things. And I've just been reading up on using it for some euclidean experimentation. I in fact have two in my rack, and both are always doing something. For the price and the size, it's crazy how useful it is.

One other thing, which is probably fairly obvious: you will in all likelihood change your system on an ongoing basis. It's the joy of modular. The way you make music will develop, and your knowledge will make fun new things possible. If it really gets hold of you, controlling your spending may be a challenge. Dealing with GAS is a part of the journey for most people. But as long as you are reading manuals and getting the most out of what you have, GAS may be ameliorated to some degree. In six years I've gone through over 100 modules, and bought several of them twice.

I hope this is useful to some degree, and I wish you well with it.