I put a foot on the slippery slope. I started watching youtube videos for the Monotrons I'm currently messing around with, and one thing led to another, videos of them connected up to an MS20 mini, tried one in shop, didn't think much of it, I found the map and choices of connections very confusing opposed to the videos of fully modular synths I'd started seeing as suggestions. But you all know the score, that's why you are here too, modular is ADDICTIVE. I don't even have a single module yet and I can't stop watching videos, trying to discover if I could make the stuff going around in my head come to life given the opportunity.
So here I am, piecing together a 4 tier rack for shits n giggles. I probably have too many things I don't need and am missing vital things I do. It's all just daydreaming anyway. Feel free to laugh at my setup. If you want to add constructive comments, please do. I'm sure there are more important newcomers who need your expert advice. For now, I'm just pipe dreaming and gathering ideas.
Keep on patching.

There is a music shaped hole in my soul that needs patching up...