ModularGrid Rack

Here's what I've been working on, at least for starting out this would be the build minus one of the 1u quadratts. I'm looking to have a rack that can cover a lot of territory creatively from generative ambient, house, and Idm, to Berlin school.

I'm doing my build in the intellijel 7u 104hp case. I'm looking to use a digitakt as my main seuqnecer and drum machine but that's where I've been having some headaches with using that in conjunction with yarns and Pamela's new workout. I was thinking about usuing a midi splitter as well to take advantage of the 1u intellijel midi interface as a way to clock pams and yarns together from the digitakt.

If anyone else has some thoughts on arrangements or more modules to fill the empty space I'll have while starting out that would he wonderful. I'm definitely wanting to add a delay module down the line, possibly the 4ms DLD or the Strymkn Magneto.

Critical options more than welcome.
