the great danger is that it will destroy the modular scene. a euro rack scene only with big players --- bleakly boring - but cheap for everyone ---. i don't have a lot of money either, but i can't buy the behringer - that would betray the scene. I prefer not to buy one or one later. people who want to save should think twice at this point.
-- AnalogSpecies

Totally agree on choosing not to buy Behringer euro gear, at least this sort that blantly copies current designs. But to be honest, if we are thinking that the euro scene is going to be destroyed by cheaper recreations of gear, I don't really know if it is worth saving. It's one thing to commit to support the individuals/ small-ish businesses that invent unique and high-quality designs (Intellijel) but I don't think the integrity/wonder of the euro scene really weighs on that point alone, or at least I hope it doesn't.

I don't plan on purchasing this Behringer euro gear, but I do think it was inevitable, and I do think it is providing grounds for a really important discussion on what matters in eurorack/ hardware modular. I'd rather it not just be about a manufacturer/consumer relationship.