well i cant figure out how to set it up (patch it to work)with the doepfer clock divider?
-- Broken-Form

I've got this derived-square patch working on my system right now. Here's how I'm doing it:
1. square wave from any OSC patched to input of A160-2
2. take an output from A160-2: that's the result. Note this is POSITIVE voltage only.
3. apply a bit of offset (negative voltage) using a utility. I have ShadesV2 doing this. SISM would work fine, lots of others would work fine.

I'm getting a square wave at 1/2 rate. Varying settings on A160-2 gives me different pulse width on the output. Both audio and oscilloscope are showing me this works on my end. Note the result is just a lower version of the original square wave.

Of course, assuming you want to mix the original and the derived square, you'll need a copy (mult) of the original.
-- nickgreenberg
Tanks godnat try this already godt a sism in My system.can i Use stackcables instead of a mult for the copy?


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