Suggestions for Patch Editor

Been trying out the patch editor as a way of documenting patches for others, and really like it.
a couple of suggestions (and one issue?)

a) patch notes
it be nice to just record some freeform patch note.
I see you can link to a forum post, but thats not quite the same really.

b) patch cable colour
when you have a lots of cables on one modular, that overlap colour coding is pretty important.
Rainbow is great for this, but still sometimes there is a confusion.
a simple option like shift+click (?) to cycle to next colour could do wonders
(esp. with limited colour palettes like stackable/doepher... as often I only need 3 or 4 colours)

issue: save screenshot doesn't use selected cable colour scheme
(not really a big issue, as I use macOS screen capture instead, but thought id mention it)