Thread: Twinkly

I kinda slipped with trying to do a piece of music every day for Jan... in #Jamuary, Oh well.
Almost completely Generative, just turn the modular on and reverse the grains on clouds and tweak some levels a bit.

This piece is driven from the 2hp RND which randomly triggers the Befaco Burst which has the probability control set about half way, these pulses then go out to the 2hp Pluck and Bell, the Pluck goes into the Mutable Veils with a bit of AD action from the ALM PipSlope where I wipe off most of the 'pluck' before going into the 2hp Verb, for the Bell then that heads into the Monsoon Clouds on Granular mode with the grains playing in reverse. Modulation comes from the 2hp RND too along with some slow LFO's from the DivKid Instruo Ochd. Oh.... and the Pulses from the Burst also head into the 2hp TM (Turing Machine) and 2hp Tune. I am manually using the Transient Modules 7J Joystick module to modulate the probability and Steps on the Turing Machine and also the Grain Size of Clouds which all together adds a bit of space.
Cheers for Listening. And quite possibly Happy New Year :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.