Thread: Change Log


Restructured Layout

We have updated the page layout slightly. The CSS is modernized and the page should look better on mobile devices and on very large screens. We have tried to keep the bootstrap look and also kept all the buttons on their sometimes weird places.

The homepage, rack view, rack edit and user view changed the most.
Data on the module detailpage is restructured and includes ideas from Roey from Play Think Make.


Top requested and finally here: Darkmode exchanges the bright white background against a darker tone which might be more pleasing to the eye, especially on late evening module research missions.

On most Apple devices darkmode can be switched on and off in the System Preferences (General -> Appearance on MacOs), so if you have darkmode enabled for your OS it will automatically be enabled on ModularGrid too.
Of course it can be manually set in your user preferences (

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: