Hello Plragde, hello All,

Plragde: Thank you very much again for your previous feedback. Regarding splitting the document into several parts, I have given that some thoughts and came up with the idea to keep the contents the same in the review report however I have removed the appendices from the review reports and created a separate document for the appendices for those who want to read the rest :-)

Your idea of adding a change log, I have adapted that as well, appendix C in that separate document that is available here for download:


All: The new style review reports will be, instead of just under 70 pages previously, nowadays just under 30 pages. Still a lot but at least less than half of what it had been before. For those who still don't like to read so much, just read chapter 2 that should do it.

The first new "style" review report, is the above-mentioned SEM filter report from Doepfer about the A-106-5.

Thank you very much, have a nice day and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads