Oh, believe me, I'm well aware of Uli's...uhm..."mindset". And he's still apparently on that cavalier attitude of his toward intellectual property. But when you're talking about the synth gear, you find some of the same names here on MG assisting B. in their module and synth designs. For example, you had AM Synths' head assisting with the B. 2600, double-checking the circuitry, functionality, etc to make sure it was dead-on to the original. And yeah...they did that. Aside of form factor, it's the real thing.

My hope is that there might be some changes to this. After the "Kirn fiasco", Uli's been a lot less noisy and/or visible, of which I approve. If Tribe's board of directors would step in to shut him up and curtail his nonsense, I think they'd find that their brands would have a lot more market viability.

Also, don't forget...there's a bunch of REAL modules in there, too...notably the upcoming Tiptop/Buchla collabs. Frankly, what I'd REALLY like would be a full-on 100/200 hybrid, especially since now they can make the 100 series circuitry comply with the de facto "standard" of +5V gate/trig, 1V/8va tracking, and the higher amplitude across the board (ie: no more split paths). Maybe if the docs turn up, we could get some of these to jam in with the 200s; yes, docs ARE the problem...some of the more interesting 200 series modules don't have engineering docs, and Buchla USA has no idea where in Don's archives they might be found. To say that he was a slob as far as records and documentation goes might be an understatement! Hopefully Todd Barton et al can get some of that sorted.