Phase Royal

BYOC Offer Details


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This is an excellent phaser pedal, I 2 included YT links so you can hear examples of it. This pedal is in Very Good condition with slight wear. I bought this assembled from BYOC. From BYOC:BYOC Phase Royal MXR Phase 90 Clone Hand Built Phaser Guitar Effect PedalWe've taken the classic MXR Phase 90 circuit and modified it almost beyond recognition. There's a depth control to dial in just the slightest hint of phase shifting. There's a resonance control to adjust the vocal quality of the phase shifting, so it can go from chewy script logo tones to throaty vowel like tones. We've added a wet/dry mix control so you can dial in anything from 100% clean guitar signal to pure phase shifting pitch vibrato that's eerily similar to the Magnatone vibrato. And we've added 2 more phase stages. That's a total of 6 phase stages! Classic Phase 90 tone that's even more intense and over the top. But we've also added a switch so you can change between 4 and 6 phase stages. The BYOC Phase Royal can do things you never thought your little orange phaser could do, and it can still nail those vintage script logo tones too.

BYOC Phase Royal

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