Latest version: ModularGrid Rack

Top Row:
* Beehive (smaller, cheaper Plaits clone)
* Sinc Bucina (gate and more)
* Befaco Even VCO
* 2hp ADSR
* WMD/SSF Ultrafold (waveshaper)
* Filthy (LPF,HPF,BPF)
* Nano Rings (smaller, cheaper rings clone)
* Ochd (LFOs galore)
* Clep Diaz (LFO and more)
* UMotion (smaller, cheaper Tides clone)
* Milky Way (effects, including reverb)
* 2hp dial VCA

Bottom Row:
* Mimetic Iteritas (sequencer with randomizer)
* Pamela's New Workout (sequencer)
* 6 channel mixer all the way on the right.

I have 80HP for future additions. It's a bit over my budget once I factor in the cost of the case (even if I DIY), so I might omit something.

Playable? Fun? Anything obvious missing? If I had to drop $200+ in cost should I skip the Pamela's for now and rely on my Keystep and Deluge as the additional sequencers?