I think you might be best off with a VCO that has LFO mode - or just goes deep down. Doepfers A143-9 might be a good contender as well, and it’s really cheap! But it only does sine waves and its derrivates.
If that’s what you need - recommended! It’s very modulatable, I use mine as FM modulator with v/oct into cv1 and a nice slider into the cv2 for playability :)
-- LYFoulidis
That's a cool modulator, 4 sines at different phase is very nice... But I have a problem, I've got a skiff case at the moment. Hope I'll get another one in the near future for Doepfer only, aaaargh! At the moment I would be blessed if I had at least one 0.01 to 10 hz LFO with just one knob for the whole frequency range. Thanks for the recommendation!