ModularGrid Rack

I edited this for clarity. I'm looking for help figuring out what I need to squeeze the sounds, patterns and styles I want to make.

I'm new to Eurorack but been reading/watching for a couple weeks.

General reasons for my build.
-I like outer-space, ambient, droning sounds
-I like 80s Retrowave
-I like bending 'real' sounds and mixing that with electronic sounds
-I want to incorporate a mic with vocals and have the ability to alter my voice and layer different lines. For instance throw in some background vocals I could put on repeat and manipulate or start/stop on the fly and then sing lead vocals as well.
-I want to record live to cassette tape

I'd like to create multi-track choruses. Really synth-y, punchy chorus lines that feel big.

Some specific ideas I had are likely going to sound silly, but... I'd love to be able to experiment with modules like Pluck where I could create separate instances.

so I could have many strings being plucked and be able to adjust the pitch/tempo/etc of each of those individual sounds, offset them from each other and create a kind of noise-garden (as if someone was just banging around on a guitar).

I want to be able to create random patterns, but with the ability to control them as much as I wish and sync them to specific timing and keys.

So. I also left room in the rack for, undoubtedly, utility mods that I haven't thought of or don't even know I need.

I'm sorry. I just don't have the lingo or enough knowledge to make more sense.

Thank you.
ModularGrid Rack