VCAs? I don't see any, and if you're aiming for generative work, it's essential to have those so that constant level changes over both audio and CV can be programmed into the structure. Plus, with VCA control over CV, you can then add comparators into the fray which will allow gating to start/stop events based on CV level changes. They're sort of a must if you want to get some real mileage out of that Boolean logic module in the bottom row.

BTW, "generative" refers to a method of multiple-order control in which the synthesizer is programmed to 'play itself', constantly altering modulation levels and paths, working within a set of parameters defined by the overall patch prior to setting the whole thing in motion. By restricting the possible stochastic outcomes as a part of that patch, there's a level of semi-predictability to how a generative system functions within a given set of possibilities. "Controlled chance", more or less; I'm not sure that's what you're trying to do here...