A couple of points...

First of all, that's a really expensive DFAM, and it wasn't when you put it in there. Let's look at the case itself...it costs $649 for 208 hp in 3U and 104 in 1U which, for the sake of this example, we'll say amounts to 35 hp if it were 3U. That gives 243 hp at $649, meaning that each hp = $2.67. $2.67 x 60 = $160.20, making the DFAM come in at $809.20. This is easy enough to fix: take the DFAM out of the expensive cab and put it back where it belongs. This then frees up 60 hp for modules that DON'T come with their own case and power...which is what you should be using the Eurorack cab for in the first place.

And secondly, watch your module sizes. There's several Erica modules in here, and while their Quad VCA2 makes sense in the space it occupies, using the same space for one single envelope generator is not very sensible at all. Try looking outside of one specific manufacturer, and you'll find far better EG options. But this problem can get rather pervasive pretty quickly, and this appears to be on that route.

For one thing, that DFAM is killing your ability to add more functionality. For example, all you have for modulation at present is that Erica EG and a Maths. Not quite enough, really. Or the Mimeophon would probably be better up with the audio path...but it won't fit there. And so on...