• Productivity: a Modular is by far the least productive thing you want to use if you want to make music. You tend to get entangled while finding a sound or simply by patching. You may end up with something interesting, but it possibly is not what you wanted or needed for the composition you had in mind (if you had one).
    -- suomynona

Actually, this only seems to be a problem with people starting off in modular, while they still have more of a sense of exploration...which, frankly, is good. Modular synths allow for lots of that. But I wouldn't call any of this exploratory effort unproductive...rather, it's just the electronic equivalent of figuring out what all of the keys on a sax can allow you to play. But after several years of living with modular synth gear, it's actually QUITE easy to patch up what you need once you've got the instrument(s) sorted out...and exploration is the key to getting there.