It all depends on your goal.

  • Ochd: lfos only (8 lfos with 8 different speeds linked by a single adjustable base speed).
  • Rnd Step: random only (3 potentially independent randoms, and each with 2 outputs: unipolar + bipolar).
  • Clep Diaz: only one choice among 3 possibilities: step, random, lfo (2 outputs: unipolar + bipolar).

For these modulations an external passive multiple can extend a functionality to several cv inputs...

Other options are possible.
Don’t forget the Disting mk4: a lot of functions including modulations and much more.
And two modules of the manufacturer 2hp (e.g. one lfo + one random) would also be worth considering.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).