Congratulations for this post. After several years of research and investment (almost a hundred modules here), it is not always easy to expose yourself by inviting others to a criticism was it constructive, even friendly formulated. And this, next to the question of the 36HP available... I wanted to start by commending your initiative. So, if I may, a few little things.

An observation: for 'ambient soundscapes', and a 'generative direction', I am surprised not to see, unless I am mistaken, a granular synthesis source like Morphagene or Nebulae.

The modules that appear today do not always bring great innovations, but some try to go further by pushing limits (at the risk of specializing sometimes in a more limited use). But why not if they are of a high quality? The Qu-Bit Nautilus, in my opinion, is one of them. Thus I will gladly suggest it for the musical style sought here.

I took the opportunity to look at the first suggestions that were made to you at the beginning of your ‘modular adventure’. 2021, @Lugia had propose in particular a Doepfer A-119, I think it remains a good advice.

36HP... There is also a certain pleasure in knowing that part of your closet remains empty. I keep, for my part this amount of space (with a 4ms Pod and a mini-case Doepfer). Next to a hundred modules... like you. There is an old French adage (16th century) that says ‘Garde une poire pour ta soif’. Which can be tranlated as ‘Keep a pear for your thirst’. But I believe that in English the equivalent is: 'Save for a rainy day'... (And with all the love I sincerely have for this country, not only at the musical level, we can understand the choice of this analogy :))

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).