@FSK1138 Calm down man! I'm not into YouTwitt or MyFace either, and I'm certainly not implying that you can't have an opinion - just that your opinion in this particular instance is unencumbered by recognisable facts. Also, it's patently obvious from your "This Is Real" rig here on ModularGrid that you must be into amelodic "experimental" music. Who here isn't, to some degree? I'm not averse to experimenting in the studio myself, I have a dual trace oscilloscope in the corner of my studio workbench.

As for the eternal "Why am I here?" Good question! It's been puzzling mankind since our ancestors first developed cognitive thought, but I'm sorry, I don't have the answer to that one.

If you mean why am I here on ModularGrid however, the answer is, exactly the same as you! Whether you use chaos theory and a bunch of MakeNoise modules or prefer the classic 'subtractive synthesis' and sequential melodic approach makes no difference, in the long run. We're all here because we love synthesized music and either plan to take, or have recently taken, the plunge into modular systems.

Why haven't you got a MIDI-IN module, guy? It's the only decent use of a MIDI cable, to turn passionless digital data into, polytimbral, multitonal analogue audio vibrations. ... But that's just my opinion.