@Lugia Sounds pretty interesting that. So you can use a VCA prior to the filter as an accent (etc) control with the post-Filter VCA shaping the sound.
-- wishbonebrewery

You could do that, sure...it would involve adding in an extra bit of CV on top of whatever modulation source's output is already controlling the pre-VCF VCA, but that's easily set up with a linear, DC-coupled mixer in that control path.

Far more interesting, though, is using a multi-VCA module which mixes to a breakable mixbus (think Veils here) to "strum" different waveform outputs on one or two VCOs. You could have a triangle wave come up on a hard attack via one VCA, then have the second VCA add a square wave to that gradually by using different EG settings for those VCAs, with the result being a very marked timbral change without using anything more than a second VCA and EG. With a complex oscillator, this can get even crazier...and you STILL wouldn't be making changes via other modules to get at that craziness!