Hey guys, thanks a lot for your replies!

About the case I may add up one more row and go for a 9 or 10u / 104hp to get a bit more space to breath and add some more utility modules. And I think it would still be pretty much movable.

I never thought about a sequencial processor as nickgreenberg suggested but it seems like a great addition to this case, I'm looking that up.

And to answer Lugia I use my 2 Minibrute 2 as sequencers or additional voices when needed but it's definitely not the most portable setup. Actually swapping them for Beatsep Pros may be a pretty good idea.

Also, if I was to add one more row, what would you suggest to complement the actual setup?
I'm mainly thinking about Marbles that I've been looking up for a while. Maybe a second Veils and then some more utilities?
I also have a PEG, a Dual Looping Delay and an Erbe-Verb in my Rackbrute 3u. Should I add some of those in this setup?