Had a look. WAY too many sound sources, and WAY too little in the way of "helper modules". The workflow also seems to be quite jacked-up; I can't exactly see how this would be patched in a way that would make sense.

Figure out what SENSIBLE amount of sources that you need, back down the superfluous stuff, and add the various modulation and utility sources this needs. I mean...dude, this thing's only got four VCAs, and while that's fine for summing a couple of VCOs, how do you expect to control the modulation amplitudes, etc? And how are you going to send those VCAs any envelope signals with just one Peaks for the WHOLE RIG?

I'd strongly suggest that you jettison this build, really. There's too much that doesn't work here, so you shouldn't use it as a restarting point. Then begin again, but this time take time to study experienced builders' and synthesists' builds to see how THEY do this, where you'll probably find a ratio along about 1 part audio sources/modifiers and 3 parts modulation, control etc. And if you don't have VCV Rack installed on your machine, install it. VCV is a VERY comprehensive and FREE Eurorack simulator (and then some!), so you can set up similar builds on it and then troubleshoot how they might or might not work in hardware. And TAKE TIME doing this; really good MG builds can sometimes take weeks or more...because it's important to avoid screwing up in ways that can "doom" the build's usability.
