... returning a few hours later, after managing to get in a good session on the modular rig tonight, here are a few reflections:

I) I often have a pretty short device chain, not a lot between OSC and line out. Partly this is because I love OSCs and like to focus on exploring the depth of the ones I have.
II) BUT as a result of (I), I often don't have a lot of modulation destinations. I can see how adding more devices post OSC then adds more mod destinations and adds dimension to the "wavespace" I'm creating gestures through.
III) net net, I'm probably "chronically undermodulating," and when I do apply modulation, maybe I'm using too many sources with too much gain. Maybe more mod destinations, fewer mod sources, more carefully trimmed mod settings would be a good rule of thumb for my patches for the near future.

Reminds me of earlier times doing sound design on VSTs or fixed hardware, I thought "I should look at patches I really like, count the # of modulation sources, # of modulation destinations, and get a sense of the median modulation depth..." something like that. Probably would still be a useful exercise for me to spend a bit of time on.

Reflections above notwithstanding, I'll be interested to hear any suggestions (in response to the original post above) that you might have, thanks!