"I own the Pico out and it's a great module, I throw it in tons of cases, but the odd hp size and the tiny pot drive me nuts. To counter the odd hp I usually pair it with 1 or 3 other Pico modules. Recently picked up a 1 hp blank to fill in the gaps if I find myself only able to use 1 Pico unit. That's all personal and ocd related, but worth considering. Have fun!"

Aaaahh.... I am little OCD myself, in fact, so actually this is a damn useful observation!

It will take a little while before I fill my 84hp so I have a bit of leeway and hopefully everything will add up (as mentioned elsewhere I rather like Pico too), but in the meantime I'm looking to get a little set of acrylic or perspex blanks cut.

Partly to hide as much Behringer as humanly possible. If I get them done in clear or smoked effect perspex, I can use the same material if I get into it and need a bigger case!

I'm excited af to get my Weather Drones so thanks for singing its praises, I look forward to some weirdness in my life. Peace!