I'm looking for some envelope generators to pair with the Itenllijel Quad VCA I already own.

My initial idea was to get the Intelijjel Quadrax with the Qx expander for added outputs. However, it turns out that the price is much higher than the one listed in MG, and I'm now considering different options.

For the price the Quadrax would cost me, I could add a couple of Cosmotronic Delta-V function generators instead, which in turn would also provide some extra VCAs.

On the cheaper side, the Hikari Instruments Triple AD is quite interesting too, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere in Europe, and having it shipped from Japan will probably add to the price. The Nano Modules Quart is also looking good, though neither of those would provide additional outputs.

And just recently, I discovered the After Later Audio QARV, which is quite large at 20HP, but includes four function generators and VCAs plus a mixer. The price for this one looks incredibly good too, and it would probably allow me to get rid of the Quad VCA or at least use it for other duties.

Do you guys have any opinion on those modules? I already own some modules from Intellijel and Nano Modules, and I like both the build quality and user interface, but I've never used anything from Hikari or After Later. Are there any other options I'm overlooking? Maybe you can suggest some other alternatives.