whoa, that spam post got weird really fast...

First, enormous thanks, Lugia, for the thoughtful response. I agree that using the Model D on its own would be the best bet. Unfortunately (but also kinda fortunately), I was lucky enough to pick up some pieces to start assembling my set up, and they were the ones you recommended I rethink. So far I've got the synthrotek case, a lo-fi, and a magneto. I've got a microbrute that will allow me to use the effects, but I'd like to expand the rack to contain full synth voices and effects that I can control via a midi sequencer. Eventually, my goal is to expand into something capable of more complex and generative patches. Thanks, too, to m1sterlurk, for the input on the power supply. I think keeping the Model D on it's own will allow me to stay in the safe zone of 80% consumption.