Agree in many ways extremely fortunate to have the power of what would cost MILLIONS of dollars years ago and require a large studio to use. The flip side today is that making a living off of music is nigh impossible due to the flood of cheap music gear and everyone is an instant DJ/musician online and music is free on most channels.

Then again, music to me is a hobby and way to explore and eventually create the soundtracks to my short stories, screenplays and novels that I one day hope to complete and spin into small films or animated features. It would cost me a fortune to pay a band like KMFDM or Metallica to use their music. BUT I can create my own takes with the gear widely available to me.

In fact I was producing some tracks the other day with my Elektron and Make Noise 0-coast that sounds very industrial KMFDM and Skinny Puppy/NIN in many ways. That brought smiles to me. Now I just a mike to record harsh lyrics and write some songs the record to Ableton or Cubase and remix/remaster.