I was thinking that if possible, it might nicer if the Info, Zoom, Rotate and Trash icons were in a sub-popup menu that is opened by clicking on a single icon

They are too prominent, in the way? You can hide them quickly by pressing ESC.

True but they show up again as soon as the mouse/cursor moves. I think I'd prefer just a toggle button at the top to turn the
buttons off completely when I don't need them.

The log out period seems really short these days! It used to be too short for my liking and then it seemed to get longer and more recently it seems extremely short! :-(
If it creates too much of a burden on the server to have lots of people logged in, maybe time out could be a lot longer for Unicorn folks? ;-)

Mhh. I did not touch the settings in the past. Maybe some PHP update changed some INI. I have increased the values now. The server should handle the users we currently have just fine. In future there should be an US proxy though...

Thanks! I'm not sure how short it was but maybe only 15 or 20 minutes?

Small HP case sizes needed for MU and MOTM.
-- JohnLRice

A bit tricky. I have checked it, the graphics of most enclosures look scrambled with 2HP MU/MOTM...

Yeah, the cases with feet and corners etc would look weird but Shelf, Pittsburgh Cell Style, Geeklapeeno Cluster might work? Or maybe there could be an "invisible" enclosure that is just a solid black or grey line, sort of like the "No Board" option for pedalboards but still acting like the other enclosures?

Synthesizers.com sells 1, 2 and 4 MU (hp) enclosures with or without wood sides:

Thanks for listening and considering requests! :-)