Clarke Imaginator VCX-378

Analogue Solutions Offer Details


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Original owner. Used once to test for this listing. From product literature:Housed in a 36 HP-width Eurorack module, the IMAGINATOR VCX-378 has a front facia-located one-octave ‘keyboard’ — with each ‘note’ having a push button and associated LED — alongside two Quantize sections, Octavize and Transpose sections, a Velocity treatment, plus internal (Sequencer) and external (Midi/Clock) clocking, as well as a full MIDI interface.In most cases, users will want to sync to their sequencing software by sending the IMAGINATOR VCX-378 a MIDI note clock. This can be downloaded from the Clarke company website (). The IMAGINATOR VCX-378 then references these notes and uses this information to clock the musical patterns it produces. With everything correctly connected, users can use soft synths or send those musically imaginative patterns out to an external synthesiser — something close to Vince Clarke’s musical heart.Vince Clarke's new Eurorack module is all about generating inspiring 1-bar patterns. It's an ingenious writing tool and can be fed MIDI note data from software or hardware. Check out the videos.

Analogue Solutions Imaginator VCX-378

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